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The new house

Wealth Management

Are you an owner? Do you no longer have the time or the patience to take care of your assets? We are here for you !

We absolutely take care of all the management of your property.

Our services



- Estimation of rents and rental of properties.

- Drafting, signing of leases and organization of inventory

- Establishment of guarantee and home insurance.

- Delivery of keys and registration of leases, transfers of meters.

- Reminder of payment and formal notice.



- Follow-up of the timely payment of rents and indexations.

- Judicious and fast decision during possible delays

- In constant contact to optimize your assets.




- If necessary, management and contact with the various contractors required.

- Organization of any repairs

- Search for the best quality/price ratio.

Our prices

ALL-IN service

7% to 10% + VAT

(Varies depending on the

number of properties - amount of rent)

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